Saturday, July 27, 2013

Graceful Rain in Heaven, and 25,000 Candles on Earth, Election Fraud in South Korea Presidential Election!

Graceful Rain in Heaven, and 25,000 Candles on Earth

Graceful Rain in Heaven, and 25,000 Candles on Earth
EXPOSE Election Fraud in South Korea Presidential Election!


'The Denunciation Rally with Candles of Korean enraged with Fraudulent Election' 

Korean people are enraged with their stolen and robbed suffrage which was accurately framed and fabricated by the former president, NIS, and Election Administration Commission.

The most baneful thing is that Korean press and journalism such as Chosun Daily, Joongang Daily, Donga Daily, KBS, MBC, and SBS are under the ferocious suppression of the press.

The gag upon freedom of speech block the Korean people from hearing the changes and development of the political situation in Korea.

Hence, we Koreans earnestly want the world jouranalism and press to spread the Korean political situation and the president election in 2012 was a fradulent election.

F4VR (Fight for Voters' Right)

2013. 7. 27 Sat.
- Seoul, Korea

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27-jul-2013 17:40
I strongly uphold the belief that "Koreans earnestly want the world journalism and press to spread the Korean political situation and the president election in 2012 was a fraudulent election." This is evidently a fraudulent election, and there it is invalid.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Samsung clinches one-third of all smartphone volumes worldwide in Q2

Samsung Electronics Co., the world's largest smartphone maker, posted a record shipments in the second quarter of the year, data showed on Friday.

According to the data compiled by research firm Strategy Analytics, Samsung Electronics shipped a record 76 million smartphones in the second quarter, compared with 69.4 million in the previous quarter.

The South Korean smartphone maker also continued to dominate the global smartphone market in terms of market share, with its stake in the April-June period standing at 33.1 percent, remaining flat from the previous quarter, according to the researcher.

The second-quarter market share, however, was slightly down from its record high of 33.9 percent in the third quarter of last year.

"Samsung grew 56 percent annually and shipped a record 76.0 million smartphones worldwide ... Samsung shipped over two times more smartphones than Apple during the quarter. The flagship Galaxy

S4 model experienced solid demand in China and worldwide and helped to lift volumes," the research firm said.

On the other hand, Samsung's archrival Apple Inc. saw its smartphone shipments sink to 31.2 million in the second quarter from 37.4 million from the previous quarter, with its market share falling to 13.6 percent from 17.9 percent over the cited period, it said.

Samsung Electronics said earlier in the day that its second-quarter profit spiked 49.6 percent from a year earlier, buoyed by robust shipments of its flagship Galaxy S smartphones.

Net profit came to 7.77 trillion won (US$6.96 billion) in the April-June period, compared with 5.19 trillion won a year earlier, the company said in a regulatory filing.

Revenue soared 20.7 percent on-year to a record 57.46 trillion won in the second quarter and operating profit climbed 47.5 percent to a record 9.53 trillion won. 

The data showed that LG Electronics Co., Samsung's smaller local rival, maintained its third spot in terms of smartphone shipments on the back of strong demand for its flagship smartphone Optimus G lineup.

LG Electronics sold a total of 12.1 million smartphones in the second quarter, rising from 10.3 million units the previous quarter, with its market share standing at 5.4 percent, up 0.4 percentage point over the cited period, the data showed.

"LG captured 5 percent share and maintained its position as the world's third largest smartphone vendor for the second straight quarter. The popular Optimus and Nexus models have been the main drivers of LG's success. If LG can expand its retail presence and marketing in major countries such as the U.S. or China, LG could quietly start to challenge Apple for second position," Strategy Analytics said.

Meanwhile, Samsung Electronics maintained its status as the world's largest handset maker in the second quarter by selling a total of 107 million mobile phones, including feature phones. Its market share stood at 27.7 percent.

Long-time market leader Nokia Corp. came in second with a shipment of 61.1 million mobile phones and a 15.8 percent market share, followed by Apple with 31.2 million units and a 8.1 percent market share and LG Electronics with 17.8 million and a 4.6 percent market share, the data showed. (Yonhap News)

Ruling party boycotts hearing on spy agency scandal

The ruling Saenuri Party on Friday boycotted a hearing on the state spy agency's alleged meddling in last year's presidential election as it wrangled with opposition parties over whether the meeting should be open to the public.

The ruling party has argued that the hearing should be held behind closed doors because it is likely to touch on sensitive intelligence issues as lawmakers question National Intelligence Service (NIS) chief Nam Jae-joon and other officials of the spy agency in connection with the scandal.

Opposition parties have insisted that the hearing be open to the public so as to ensure its transparency. 

The scandal centers on allegations that former NIS chief Won Sei-hoon ordered an online smear campaign to sway public opinion in favor of the ruling party ahead of last December's presidential election.

A parliamentary probe has been under way since early this month to determine the truth behind those allegations.

Friday's hearing was supposed to be the first time for the parliamentary investigative committee to question NIS officials in connection with the case.

Earlier this week, the committee held hearings with the Ministry of Justice and the National Police Agency over the scandal.

The hearing opened with only the opposition parties' investigative committee members in attendance. NIS officials were also absent from the meeting.

The opposition members immediately held a press conference condemning the boycott, saying they will charge Nam for boycotting the hearing without permission and take steps to impeach him. (Yonhap News)

Monday, July 22, 2013

If you think the NSA is bad …

Americans are apparently blasé about government eavesdropping.
In the days after former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden revealed that Washington spies extensively on its own citizens, polls found that about half of Americans have no problem with such snooping, as long as it protects them from terrorism.
But a scandal unfolding here in South Korea illustrates how such domestic snooping can easily harm a democracy.
The imbroglio — which has sparked student protests and candlelight vigils around Seoul — actually consists of two episodes rolled into one.
The most recent scandal heated up when left-wing lawmakers accused the intelligence agency, the National Intelligence Service (NIS), of trying to protect its turf by leaking a sensitive and secret transcript in late June.
The document revealed details of a 2007 summit between North and South Korean leaders. In it, a now-deceased South Korean president, Roh Moo-hyun, discussed the possibility of redrawing the rival Koreas' sea border to help build peace.
At the other end of the table was enemy No. 1: former North Korean despot, Kim Jong Il.
The revelation had the potential to skewer Roh's party, now the opposition. For many South Koreans, the episode amounts to treason.
But the motive for the disclosure may have gone deeper.
Lawmakers claim that the spy agency was attempting to distract the public from yet another explosive affair: a clandestine NIS propaganda operation to influence the December 2012 presidential election.
In late 2012, two NIS agents published thousands of online comments in support of Park Geun-hye, the conservative politician who was elected president in December. The young spooks tried to smear the political left, claiming some were North Korean sympathizers and communist instigators.
In the raucous political system of South Korea, it's common for the mainstream press and pundits to paint their opponents in extreme ways.
The propaganda campaign didn't stay secret for long. Last month, the former spy chief, Won Sei-hoon, was indicted on allegations that he personally orchestrated the operation; the former Seoul police chief is also being prosecuted for supposedly whitewashing the first investigation into the case.
The NIS insists that it acted within legal bounds when declassifying the summit transcript. Under South Korean law, the head of the agency can request the release of state secrets if it does not pose a threat to national security.
It released the document out of concern for the "deepening schisms in the public" and its "negative effect national security," according to a statement issued on July 10.
An NIS spokesman could not be reached for comment.
Under South Korean law, documents of this sensitivity held by the National Intelligence Service would typically stay classified for up to 15 years. Two-thirds of lawmakers would have to agree, or a court order issued, before release into the presidential archive.

Read more from the GlobalPost

President Park, who prevailed with a 3 percent margin over her liberal opponent, insists that she didn't know of the plot and didn't reap any advantage.
Her administration points out that the NIS was meddling under the previous right-wing presidency of Lee Myung-bak, a factional rival and hardly a friend of Park's.
But given her family baggage, she's having a hard time maintaining distance.
In the 1960s and 1970s, her father, the dictator Park Chung-hee, used the precursor to the NIS for election rigging and other dark arts.
The opposition is using the scandal to pin her to that legacy, say analysts. In Seoul, university students and activists have been protesting the revelations in recent weeks, calling for her removal.
According to polls, Park's popularity has slumped from more than half to about 40 percent in recent weeks. The Asan Institute, a Seoul-based think tank, says the decline is not necessarily a result of the spy scandal, but rather a return to "normal" levels after the election.
"She might be completely unscathed or, in the worst case, impeached and removed from office," said Daniel Pinkston, the Seoul-based senior analyst at the International Crisis Group, a nonprofit.
The NIS has long been prone to scandal. Out of the 11 heads who have served over the past decade, Won is the eighth to be investigated.
Part of the problem, critics say, is that every president since 1988, the start of the democratic era, has sidelined the most talented officers in favor of political cronies. Under South Korean law, the NIS is required to stay neutral in domestic politics.
The result, they say, is a highly politicized (and some say bumbling) agency that gets into trouble every few years, and has failed to report key events such as Kim Jong Il's death in 2011.
Pinkston says the latest affair gives South Koreans an opportunity to fix the institutional flaws of the NIS, improving its intelligence-gathering abilities.
Call it a lesson for the US, where the National Security Agency, we now know, has nearly unchecked spying capacity. And while Americans apparently don't mind such a dragnet approach, South Korea shows how an unfettered spy network can go awry.