Monday, February 27, 2012

Elder sister sues Samsung chairman over inheritance

The elder sister of Samsung Electronics Co. chairman Lee Kun-hee has filed an inheritance suit against her brother, demanding some 190 billion won ($169 million) in shares left by their late father, Samsung Group founder Lee Byung-chull, a law firm said Tuesday.

The move comes two weeks after Lee Kun-hee, 70, was sued on similar grounds by his eldest brother Lee Maeng-hee, who demanded some 710 billion won in shares and cash.

The sister, Lee Sook-hee, filed the suit with the Seoul Central District Court, claiming her father left shares in Samsung Life Insurance Co. and Samsung Electronics for all of his offspring to inherit, not Lee Kun-hee alone, said an official at Yoon and Yang LLC.

Lee Sook-hee has demanded some 2.23 million shares in the Samsung Life Insurance and 10 preferred stocks in the electronics company.

Lee Kun-hee inherited the bulk of the Samsung conglomerate upon the death of their father in 1987.

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