Friday, May 18, 2012

Prosecution indicts Lee’s cronies on bribery

The prosecution on Friday indicted Choi See-choong and Park Young-joon on bribery charges as part of its investigation into an influence-peddling scandal involving the members of President Lee Myung-bak’s most trusted circle.

Choi, former chairman of the Korea Communications Commission known as Lee’s mentor, is accused of taking a total of 800 million won between July 2006 and February 2008 in bribes from a local developer seeking construction rights for his mega mall project.

Park, a former vice minister of knowledge economy also known for his close ties to the president, is suspected of receiving 160 million won from the same developer, Lee Jeong-bae, in exchange for influence-peddling to help him win construction permits.

Park allegedly received the cash through a broker -- a Pohang-based businessman named Lee Dong-yool -- first while serving as chief of the Seoul Metropolitan Government’s political affairs bureau in 2005-2006, and later while working for then-presidential candidate Lee in 2007. The Seoul Metropolitan Government was responsible for issuing the permit.

He is also accused of receiving 100 million won from a Kosdaq-listed firm in return for business favors in a separate case.

“A total of five have been indicted, four of them with physical detention, with regard to our investigation so far into the Picity development project,” said Lee Keum-ro of the Supreme Prosecutors’ Office, announcing the mid-term results of the investigation.

Others on the indictment list are Kang Cheol-won, a former official with the Seoul Metropolitan Government who is suspected of taking 30 million won in bribes and the broker and his chauffeur who allegedly pocketed 94 million won by blackmailing Choi.

Prosecutors said they will continue tracing bank accounts of Park and others, after a largest amount was found with suspected links to other shady deals.

“We will continue tracing bank accounts of Park’s and will extradite Lee Dong-jo should any suspected illegality is found,” SPO’s Lee said.

Lee Dong-jo is a close friend of Park now saying in China. He is suspected of money laundering for Park.

By Lee Sun-young

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