Monday, July 16, 2012

Lee to accept resignation of close aide accused of bribery

Lee to accept resignation of close aide accused of bribery
President Lee Myung-bak on Monday plans to accept the resignation of a long-time aide suspected of involvement in a bribery scandal surrounding an ailing savings bank, the presidential spokesman said.

Secretary Kim Hee-jung, who handles the personal affairs of the president, offered to quit last week after allegations emerged that he took bribes from a savings bank chief accused of a massive lobbying campaign to prevent the ailing bank from shutdown.

Kim denied the allegations, but said he wanted to take "moral responsibility."

Lee plans to accept Kim's resignation Monday, the president's spokesman Park Jeong-ha said.

Park also denied a report the presidential office has launched an extensive anti-corruption inspection after taking over a list of possible bribe takers from the prosecution, saying the anti-corruption inspection is a routine activity and there is no other special inspection under way.

Kim has worked for Lee since 1997 when Lee was a lawmaker and the bribery allegations, if confirmed, would deal yet another serious blow to the president, who saw an elder brother arrested last week on bribery charges in the savings bank scandal. (Yonhap)

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