Wednesday, September 5, 2012

2,014-pound burger sets world record

CARLTON (UPI) -- A Minnesota casino said it set a Guinness World Record by cooking up a 2,014-pound (913-kilogram) bacon cheeseburger.

The Black Bear Casino Resort near Carlton said the burger concocted Sunday handily defeated the previous record of 881 pounds, 13 ounces and a Guinness adjudicator was on hand to verify the record, the Duluth (Minn.) News Tribune reported Tuesday.

“What I saw today was a feat of remarkable teamwork that resulted in a world record burger that actually tastes really good,” Guinness adjudicator Philip Robertson said.

The burger was topped by 60 pounds of bacon, 50 pounds of lettuce, 50 pounds of sliced onions, 40 pounds of pickles and 40 pounds of cheese.

People examine a bacon cheeseburger measuring 10 feet in diameter and weighing more than a ton at Black Bear Casino Resort near Carlton, Minn., on Sunday. (AP-Yonhap News)

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