Wednesday, October 31, 2012

White collar voters favor liberal candidates

White collar voters favor liberal candidates

By Lee Tae-hoon
The majority of office workers and students will vote for either the main opposition Democratic United Party candidate Moon Jae-in or independent candidate Ahn Cheol-soo, a poll showed.
The survey jointly conducted by The Korea Times and pollster Hankook Research  Monday found that only 23.9 percent of white collar workers would support ruling Party candidate Park Geun-hye in a hypothetical three way race against Moon and Ahn.
Similarly, a mere 12.9 percent of student voters said that they will vote for Park, suggesting that there remains strong distrust over the conservative party’s pledge to slash college tuition by half.

The survey found that student voters favor Ahn, a software tycoon-turned politician, the most with 37.8 percent backing him, followed by Moon with 24.3 percent and Park.

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