Thursday, February 14, 2013

Koreans Allege Presidential Election Fraud


South Korea had the 18th presidential election (Dec 19, 2012) and approx. 250,000 people have signed the petition to request manual counting. 

As the current Lee Myung-bak government has been completely controlling the media, no Korean media has ever spoken for those 250,000 people. 

Although South Korean National Election Commission insists that they counted votes manually, many South Koreans believe electronic tabulating system was used and here's why: 

(1) Evidences of election rigging (http://j.mp/12wPstl ); and statement published by South Koreans and electors living overseas (http://j.mp/Wl0bQW) Please help us bring democracy back to our country. Thank you very much for your attention.

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