Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Director of NIS Caught Interfering in S. Korean Election

This March 18th' article from the Hankyoreh, the major liberal newspapers from South Korea, discloses the direct involvement of the director of the National Intelligence Services (NIS) in the organization's interference in South Korean political affairs. The article says that some documents acquired on March 17, 2013 by Jin Sun-Mee, a congress-woman of the Democratic United Party, showed Won Sei-Hoon, director of the NIS, ordering his staff to interfere directly in domestic politics. 

The documents titled ‘Orders and Highlights from the Director” contain numerous orders and requests made by the director between May 2009 and November 2012. According to some former and current employees of the NIS these orders are taken directly from Won’s statements during the NIS’ monthly meetings of division directors and sent to all staff members ordering them to follow. Included in the orders are manipulating public opinion before elections, making efforts by the psychological warfare team to win over younger voters, and efforts to combat criticisms of the government by religious group, to name just a few. 

The documents reportedly have similar wording to posts written by the NIS agent, identified by the surname Kim, who has been investigated by police for online manipulations of public opinion during last December’s presidential election. The similarities shown in these documents could be viewed as evidence of the connection between the NIS and the ruling party of South Korea and, furthermore, as proof of the NIS’ interference in the presidential election on December 19, 2012. 

This is against the law and indeed a serious crime committed by government officials. The victory of the ruling party in the presidential election that was aided by this crime should be seriously questioned and nullified. 

Please visit the link to the actual article of the Hankyoreh. ( http://english.hani.co.kr/arti/english_edition/e_national/578510.html )

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