Saturday, March 16, 2013

The recent Korean President election is a fraud and Choon-mong fasts even without drinking water.


The recent Korean President election is a fraud and Choon-mong fasts even without drinking water.

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The recent Korean President election is a fraud and Choonmong fasts even without drinking water.

Choonmong is a man in his forties. He is having this fasting for an indefinite period in order to awaken the press, the statesmen, and his fellow countrymen that are silent on the election fraud. He started the fasting on the fourth of March this year. He has been fasting ten days In order to disclose the election fraud, he is engaging in a life or death struggle on a cold concrete floor before the main office of the Saenuri party. Because he has been fasting ten days, his life is in danger. But the media don't report about Choonmong. No congressman of Saenuri has visited him. President Geun-hae Park hasn't visit him, either.

*A Youtube video of Choon-mong in the sixth day of his fasting.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ek_xqhsKsg

Before the world, I am accusing ex-President Myung-park Lee and President Geun-hae Park. Ex-President Myung-park Lee is the worst of all Korean presidents in Korean history and will be remembered forever. He exercised ward-wheeling politics in many ways and most of his policies failed. Some of the major examples are the control and shackle of media, the Chun-Am battleship sinked having caused much doubt of it, the spy agency's involvement in the presidential election, and the Four Rivers Project.

Myung-park Lee invested 22 trillion wons in the Four Rivers Project opposed by most of the people. As a result, the rivers flowing freely
have been enclosed in concrete walls to go bad and all the fish died. The people have to drink the water rotten enough to kill fish.

*A picture of a rotten river and Youtube videohttp://bbs1.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/debate/read?bbsId=D115&articleId=2314236
*A picture all the fish died http://bbs1.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/debate/read?bbsId=D115&articleId=2314295&pageIndex=1
Because of the Four River Project, Korea suffered severe drought and flood. In spite of this, Myung-park Lee boasted much to UN and foreign countries that the Four Rivers Project prevented drought and flood. He even exported to foreign countries the Four Rivers Project. The Four Rivers Project is an international crime, and Myung-park Lee is an international swindler.

But neither Myung-park Lee nor anybody else was punished. The number of Myung-park Lee's policies suspected to be ward-wheeling politics reaches upto 466. During the five years of Myung-park Lee's government, many people became unemployed. Many families got broken. And many people committed suicide. Myung-park Lee presented the people with another commedy before he left presidency. That commedy is that President and Mrs. Myung-park Lee were awarded an order on.

Myung-park Lee, a criminal, took a measure for his safety. The measure is for Myung-park Lee to set on the presidency a person who can ensure Myung-park Lee's safety. The result of that is President Kyen-he Park, the dictator's daughter. To set Geun-hae Park on the presidency, Myung-park Lee had the Korea spy agency meddle in the presidential election, which is a crime. And he rigged the election.

Ms. Park who became President by the election fraud is exercising dictatorship fitting her infamacy of being the dictator's daughter. As a major example of this, she had the Pastor Wong Cho arrested illegally. It is shocking that Ms. Park had the Pastor Wong Cho arrested illegally because he exposed her secret wrongs. According to the suggested intention of this, Ms. Park threatened that anyone who would bid defiance to her would be arrested as the Pastor Wong Cho was.

During the five years of Myung-park Lees' government, the people were distressed very much. The people had only one reason for their endurng those distressful years. The reason was that they hoped that they could judge Myung-park Lee and elect a president who could lead a government for the people. That president of the hope was Jae-in Moon, ex-human rights lawyer. Korea chose Jae-in Moon President. But the election fraud committed by Myung-park Lee and Ms. Park robbed the people of President Jae-in Moon.

Is Choon mong reckless who has been fasting even without drinking water? No way. The reason is that in his view the situation is urgent enough for him to choose death. Many Koreans too feel like having fasting as Choon mong did. Under the government having rigged the election, the Korean law cannot expose the election rigging. So a petition to UN for investigating the election fraud has been being filed. The petition to UN for exposing the eletion fraud is not just for exposing the election fraud. It is for charging before the world Myung-park Lee and Ms. Park who rigged the election. It is for charging before the world Myung-park Lee and Ms. Park who are dictators and criminals.

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