Monday, May 20, 2013

CNN report : UN Petitioned to Investigate Fraudulent South Korean Presidential Election

Last week South Korean civil rights group, "Fighters For Voters’ Rights (FFVR)" filed a petition to the United Nations requesting an investigation into the election fraud of the South Korean 2012 Presidential Election. They claim that last December's presidential election was fraudulent based on the fact that government agencies such as the National Intelligence Services (NIS) interfered in election campaigning and that ballot counting was manipulated by the National Election Commission (NEC).

Since last December’s election many South Koreans who believed that the government and the ruling party had played a foul game during the election have protested in the street, filed a lawsuit against the NEC, and published statements domestically and abroad. They have demanded a recount of ballots by hand and a thorough investigation into the intervention by the NIS in the election. They have claimed that the election result should be pronounced invalid if the election had been, in fact, fraudulent.

Although initially the NIS denied all charges against them more evidence revealed that they had actually interfered in domestic politics systematically on a large scale. The agents conducted illegal online election campaigning for the presidential election in order to bring victory to the ruling party. As recently as last week some documents surfaced with evidence showing a department head of the NIS ordering his staff to carry out a specific project to undermine the Mayor of Seoul because he had become popular for his ‘leftist’ policies to benefit people of the less-privileged class.

Jennifer Lee, one of the three leaders for FFVR, said in a recent interview with Kukmin TV that they had decided to plead to the UN because the politicians and the media in South Korea had been bluntly ignoring the demand of the people although it had become very clear, with sufficient evidence, that the election had been completely fraudulent. The group, FFVR, had spent numerous hours collecting huge amounts of data related to the election and the NIS’ intervention and going through them to verify their objectivity and truthfulness. Lee said that every single article on these issues had been looked over by the group. She told the interviewer from Kukmin TV that it had taken FFVR three whole months to prepare the data, to write the petition, and to have lawyers review the petition for its legality.

When asked if there were any successful examples of a petition to the UN Lee said that in the cases of Afghanistan and Iran the UN had sent investigation committees to each country for investigation into the fraudulent elections. They are hoping that the UN will also send an investigation committee to South Korea to investigate this matter.

They plead to the UN for the following:
To lay a provisional injunction upon the South Korean government against destroying the ballots (the ballots are scheduled to be destroyed immediately after June 19, 2013)
To investigate the NIS' intervention of the presidential election and to nullify the election if this turns out to be true
To conduct a recount even if the intervention of the NIS and any other illegal actions by the government and the ruling party are not grounded in truth
To investigate further into the known manipulation of the ballot counting by the NEC.
To investigate all incidents related to coercing handicapped voters to vote for Park and to recommend any revision of our current law to prevent this from happening again
To assist their country with a new and fair presidential election

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1 hour ago
Explore it For the True Democracy in Korea!!!!
1 hour ago
They plead to the UN for the following:
To lay a provisional injunction upon the South Korean government against destroying the ballots (the ballots are scheduled to be destroyed immediately after June 19, 2013)
To investigate the NIS' intervention of the presidential election and to nullify the election if this turns out to be true
To conduct a recount even if the intervention of the NIS...
Read more …
3 hours ago
Koreans never elected Park Keun Hae as a President.
3 hours ago
I love FFVR !!^^♥♥♥  Fighting!!!   

2012.12.19    S.Korea presidential election invalid!!!

4 hours ago
Why this doesn't make the top headline is an utter mystery.

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