Monday, May 13, 2013

South Korea podcaster charged over murder report


SEOUL, May 12 (UPI) -- A South Korean journalist faces arrest after reporting on suspicions the brother of the president was involved in a homicide, the reporter's attorney said.

Prosecutors are charging Choo Chin-woo of the weekly SisaIN with violating South Korean election laws by allegedly spreading false and defamatory information in order to prevent the re-election of President Park Geun-hye.

Prosecutors denied they were investigating Choo for political purposes; however Choo's legal team said Sunday politics was exactly why Choo was facing arrest. "I don't think this kind of thing can happen except in a backward country ruled by an authoritarian government bent on stifling freedom of expression," said lawyer Lee Jae-jeong.

Choo is the co-host of the popular podcast "I Am a Petty-Minded Creep," which regularly stirred up allegations of wrongdoing by notable South Korean politicians, business and religious leaders. Prosecutors said the report on President Park's brother, Park Ji-man, was a baseless politically motivated attack on the president.

The New York Times said Choo alleged Park Ji-man was involved in arranging the 2011 death of a distant relative amid a business dispute. Park recently sued Choo for allegedly spreading false speculation.

Read more: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2013/05/12/South-Korea-podcaster-charged-over-murder-report/UPI-49521368376525/#ixzz2TAdPj1ju

1 comment:

  1. Korean refuse illegal South Korean President Elect Ms. Park bcoz National Election Commission counted votes illegally !

    South Korean Presidential Election held on Dec. 19, 2012. Korea National Election Commission count votes illegally. Korean demand for manual counting or even re-counting, which is their constitutional right. Please Support the Korean People of Democracy with Free and Fair Election So that they can decide their own future for Democracy.

    Recount NOW!

    Step down illegal President Elect Ms. Park NOW !
