Monday, August 19, 2013

(Breaking News) [South Korea, Hearing of NISgate]

(Breaking News) [South Korea, Hearing of NISgate] 5

"Kim Yong-pan, Ex-chief of Seoul National Police lied" 

At the hearing at the National Assembly, Kwon Eunhi, police officer who was in charge of a NIS case, answered to a question as follows: 
"Do you think ex-chief of Seoul National Police lied?" 
"Yes, he lied." 
Many people admire her because she is courageous and honest. 
● Original Korean News Link - http://omn.kr/3xgi 

Kwon Eunhi, woman police officer who was in charge of the investigation on NIS online meddling into presidential election 2012, gave her opinion that the object of the intermidate investigation report by Suso police chief is considered to give impact on the election in favor of someone. 
Many police officers were present at the hearing, but she seems like the only officer courageous enough to tell the truth. 
● Original Korean News Link - http://m.media.daum.net/m/media/politics/newsview/20130819164106064 

by F4VR Newspress Team 

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