Friday, November 22, 2013

[The resignation demand is the first efforts from Catholic side - Seoul, Korea]

[The resignation demand is the first efforts from Catholic side - Seoul, Korea]

Jeonju Catholic Diocese chapter of National Catholic Priests for the Realizaion of Justice (NCPRJ) has planned to have a special Mass at Susong Dong Church on Nov 22 at 7 PM, denouncing National organizations such as National Intelligence Service (NIS), Defence Ministry, and Patriots & Veterans Affairs Ministry for their meddling into the presidential election, 2013 and asking Miss Park, Keun-hye to step down from the post. The resignation demand is the first efforts from Catholic side. 

The NCPRJ, established on Sept 26, 1974 to realize the 2nd Vatican Council teaching on evangelization and social justice, is planning to declare their position on the issue at the general assembly on Jan, 2014. About one thirds of priests of Korean Catholic Church are supposed to be affiliated to it. And about 200 of them made a turning point by leading candlelight vigil asking repentance of the gov't for what they have done and reformation of the NIS on Sept 23, 2013.


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