Saturday, December 5, 2015

"Got Rid of the Pressure from 'Gangnam Style' and Recalled Why I Became a Singer"

"I never knew it would take so long. I think that's how big the pressure and burden from 'Gangnam Style' was."

The singer Psy (39) released his seventh album, Chiljip Psyda (Seventh Album, This is Psy) three years and five months after his last release. On November 30, at a press conference announcing the release of his new album at the Conrad Hotel in Yeouido, Seoul, Psy said, "There were too many voices in my head when I wrote songs saying, 'This won't be a hit like ‘Gangnam Style,’ if you do it like this,' and 'Foreigners won't be able to understand.' I made this album with a mind to return to the me in the past, return to when I first started as a singer."
The singer Psy tells reporters his thoughts on releasing his seventh album, Chiljip Psyda, three years and five months after his last album at a press conference at the Conrad Hotel, Seoul on November 30. Yi Seok-wu

There are two title songs in this album, "Napal Baji (Bell Bottoms)" for the domestic album, and "Daddy" for the export version, and the album contains a total of nine songs. Many singers including will.i.am, Ed Sheeron, Jeon In-kwon, Kim Jun-su, Gaeko, Zion.T, and CL featured in this album. He said, "The album is basically dance music with a mixture of EDM, hip-hop, funk, and medium tempo. I tried to portray diverse human emotions and desires in the songs." He also asked that the listeners listen to everything on the album, instead of just choosing what they liked. The following is a Q&A with Psy.

- Why did you select two different title songs for the domestic and export version of your album?
"Because the time and situation when I made the two songs were completely different. 'Daddy' is a song I made one day last year with high hopes thinking 'I'm friends with Madonna.' So the lyrics include a lot of thoughts relating to overseas and the chorus repeats in English. 'Napal Baji' was written this year, when I returned to my roots and thought about giving it another try. That's why I chose that song for the domestic release."

- What are the roots that you talk about?
"It's me, who became a singer because I wanted to do what I wanted to do. No matter what I do, there are bound to be people who like it and dislike it. I will humbly accept them as they are."

- How big was the pressure of "Gangnam Style”?
"Enough for me not to go to Gangnam. The pressure was too big."

- Hangover, which you released in the U.S. last year reached 26 on the Billboard chart. Do you have any expectations or ambitions for this album?
"It won't be that easy for something like 'Gangnam Style' to happen twice. If I get lucky like then, maybe, but I don't have much of an expectation for that. I'd rather have people think of me as other K-Pop singers who are actively working overseas."

- National and international top stars featured in this album.
"will.i.am featured in my album, as part of an exchange to help each other out. 'Good Days Will Come' is a song that comforts you and pats you on the shoulder. I thought Jeon In-kwon's voice would heal more hearts. Kim Jun-su took part in 'Dream,' a tribute to Shin Hae-chul. I went to see his musical performance and was surprised at his clear yet sad voice. That's why I asked him to sing the song."

- The music videos for the two title songs both catch the viewers’ eyes with your unique "second class" emotions and impressive comic dance.
"I tried my best to express the fun and exciting music. Just as before, there were no other intentions. I just tried to make a funny video."

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