Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Moranbong Band Cancels Performance: Are They Complaining about the "Low" Ranking of the Chinese Audience?

The Beijing concert of the Moranbong Band, First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Jong-un's favorite band, was abruptly canceled, and now all eyes are on whether this turn of events would affect the recent mood between North Korea and China, which had been heading in a positive direction.

"Hyon Song-wol with a Stern Face" On December 12, members of North Korea's Moranbong Band move to board a plane returning to Pyongyang at Beijing Capital International Airport in China. Leader Hyon Song-wol (center), once rumored to be First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea Kim Jong-un's former lover and also to have been purged, is observed among the members. Beijing | Kyodo News

The Moranbong Band returned on the 4:07 p.m. Air Koryo flight to Pyongyang ahead of their performance, scheduled at the Beijing National Grand Theater at 7:30 p.m. on December 12. There are many rumors on why the performance was canceled. A Chinese media outlet Duowei reported that North Korea had wanted Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to attend the performance and was not satisfied when China suggested a member of its Politburo as the highest level. When North Korea's Pibada (Sea of Blood) Opera Troupe performed in Beijing in November 2011, Li Changchun, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee overseeing propaganda affairs had attended the show. Therefore, North Korea may have been disappointed at the fact that an official at a level lower, a member of the Politburo, would attend the show.

On December 10, Kim Jong-un mentioned that North Korea possessed hydrogen bombs drastically changing the atmosphere between the two countries. There is word that an angry China had notified North Korea of its plans to send a vice ministerial level official, more than two levels lower than a member of the Politburo (which has a total of 25 members). Some experts believe this may be connected to the issue of "insulting the supreme dignity" of First Secretary Kim. Yang Moo-jin, a professor at the University of North Korean Studies said, "This may be intended to prevent South Korean media and some Chinese social media sites from 'insulting the supreme dignity.' The hydrogen bomb statement was intended to pressure the United States, and the concert would not have been canceled over such an issue." Chung Sung-jang, head of the Department for Unification Strategy Studies at the Sejong Institute said, "North Korea reportedly banned all singing and dancing after declaring a twelve-day nationwide mourning period five days ahead of the fourth anniversary of the death of Chairman Kim Jong-il. That's why the Moranbong Band suddenly withdrew from Beijing and Ji Jae-ryong, the North Korean ambassador to China apologized."

After Liu Yunshan, a member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Chinese Communist Party visited North Korea in time for the celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the establishment of the Workers' Party of Korea in October, the atmosphere between the two countries showed distinct signs of thawing. The Moranbong Band concert was expected to play a major role in creating an atmosphere encouraging the first visit to China by First Secretary Kim, who entered office in December 2011. Chinese state media had given the Moranbong Band's Beijing concert favorable coverage claiming that North Korea was working to restore relations through soft diplomacy. Thus the sudden cancelation in such a situation may have a negative impact on bilateral relations.

China appears to be trying to minimize the impact of the incident. Xinhua News simply said, "There was a problem in communications between the two sides concerning tasks," as they reported the cancelation of the performance. They added, "China values cultural exchanges with North Korea and hopes that the two countries can continue to exchange and cooperate in various fields." Chung Sung-jang said, "This incident will not greatly influence the North Korea-China relations, which had been improving, but it is clear that the Chinese leaders' distrust of North Korea's actions will deepen."

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