Sunday, January 10, 2016

Japan should reveal true history of wartime facilities:

Japan should reveal true history of wartime facilities: 
Alexis Dudden 집단 성명 주도
Published on May 25, 2015

An American professor is urging Japan to set the record straight on the history of its wartime industrial facilities.

Tokyo is attempting to enlist them as UNESCO world heritage sites.
Sohn Jung-in reports. 

Alexis Dudden is one of the coordinators who led the landmark signing of a statement earlier this month that calls on Japan to accurately address the history of its colonial rule and wartime aggression, including its sexual enslavement of women.

The University of Connecticut professor is now criticizing Japan for its attempt to enlist its wartime industrial facilities as UNESCO world heritage sites.

She stressed that the Shinzo Abe administration should first make public the facilities′ sad history.
″The Japanese government′s effort to do so come together with an honest accounting of what happened at, especially, I believe, six or seven of the sites that relied heavily on Korean slave labor.″

International efforts to stop Japan from whitewashing history started with a similar statement signed by 20 historians in February, with the number of supporters having now grown to nearly 500.
The statement highlights the sexual slavery issue in particular, and Dudden says the reason for that is not only because of Japan′s efforts to distort history, but also because it is an affront to all the women who suffered during and after World War Two.

″This seems to be the one that has been most politicized this past year, and the Japanese government had attempted to censor an American textbook.″
Dudden says the scholars are also receiving support from many Japanese citizens, who want to be part of the movement to set the record straight.

Now, it remains to be seen how Abe, who once said that controversial historical disputes should be left to the historians, will respond to the growing criticism raised by the historians themselves.
Sohn Jung-in, Arirang News.
An American professor is urging Japan to set the record straight on the history of its wartime industrial…

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