Sunday, May 19, 2019

Success story: Young and successful Sarah Parker told us how she started earning £6.500 monthly having seed money of just £10.00

A young student from London who once decided to quit University to pay off her debt now earns record-breaking £6.500 a month and dreams of achieving higher goals. Exclusively for our magazine, Sarah shared her secret of success.
I was raised in an ordinary family which wasn’t wealthy. My parents always worked hard to feed their family. My sister and I were raised hardworking. We were told that in order to achieve something in this world we needed to study a lot and get a good education. Our parents owned a small business which was in the doldrums bringing us no income and making our family debt climb.

I was up for any job to help my parents. I worked as a waitress, took part in promos, tried to work as a night-shift call-centre operator and kept studying at university.
I had plenty of jobs but we were still stranded. I realised that I needed to change something otherwise our situation would never change. Therefore, I decided to quit my university and find a well-paid job without telling my parents about it.
One day, when I was looking for a vacancy on some online platform, I came across an article describing binary options. I heard about options (I heard my university mates talking about them) but I never thought about it seriously and was never interested in how it worked.

Sarah earns £85-£115 per hour without spending a single hour of her life in an office
I investigated this matter and found a couple of video tutorials on YouTube. It was a very clear and stepwise instruction detailing how to earn money online. Besides, there are heaps of online sites where people share their experience and strategies, tips for beginners and they also recommend better platforms.
I instantly realised that I needed to have a try. There was no risk at all and I didn't have to make big investment and quit my studies. After reading the information I chose trading platform Olymp Trade. It featured much of positive feedback. Besides, it looked simple, easy to understand and was highly recommended for rookies.

Thanks to her income from Olymp Trade Sarah can travel across the globe
My initial results surpassed all my expectations. I invested just $10 (about £7) and earned £96.00 in a matter of just 1 hour! It was a shock to me! To be honest, I was even a bit scared and withdrew the money from the platform immediately. Now I know that it was the fear of having big money as I had never earned so much in just an hour.

Sarah now owns a chain of beauty salons
Two months later I earned my first £15.000 and helped my parents to pay off their debt. I experienced a true sense of freedom and learned how to make big money.
Currently I earn £6.500 monthly. This allowed me to make my child dream come true by establishing a network of beauty salons. New dreams and milestones are expecting me in the future!
Here’s my wallet:
This ordeal taught me to believe in myself and never give up. To use every opportunity your life gives you. To dream, set new goals and move forward no matter how hard it can be. You can always find the right solution!
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  • Caroline
    Great story! It is inspirational. It prompts you to go and start running your business. Thank you Sarah and good luck!
    Like  Answer   3 
  • Helen
    I registered just yesterday and I've already earned £50.00! A good start and I'm happy with it
    Like  Answer   4 
  • Jason
    You're so cute
    Like  Answer   8 
  • Valery
    I’m jealous. Beautiful and reach. I want to be like you too!
    Like  Answer   5 
  • Irene
    Valery, so what's the problem?? Use Olymp Trade, earn some cash and make yourself beautiful. When you have money everything is possible.
    Like  Answer   6 
  • Linda
    It's really a piece of cake! The only thing I regret is that I spent 10 years of my life working for somebody else when I could have been my own boss. I earned £1450 in 10 days!!!! 1450!!! Believe me or not, but it made me cry
    Like  Answer   9 
  • Jessica
    I feel disappointed that I spent so many years on office job as well. Being your own boss is something completely different... You can be based in any part of the world like that girl on a yacht. It's awesome! And the money you earn is not to be compared with the money paid at any office work.
    Like  Answer   2 
  • Angela
    Initially I used to earn modest sums and a couple of times I was in the red. But I didn't give up and kept trying. Here is the result! Bought a new apartment in 3 months. So don't jump to conclusions. Everything requires hands-on experience. Good luck to everyone and please feel free to contact me should you need a tip.
    Like  Answer   3 
  • Jason
    As a rookie, I was recommended to try Olymp Trade as well.
    Like  Answer   3 
  • Anne
    It's the best trading platform. I tried out other platforms but they were too complicated and tough to understand
    Like  Answer   4 

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