Thursday, January 10, 2013

Fraudulent and Illegal Presidential Election, S. Korea

Bring Democracy Back to South Korea: Fraudulent and Illegal Presidential Election

South Korea had the 18th presidential election (Dec 19, 2012) and approx. 250,000 people have signed the petition to request manual counting. 

As the current Lee Myung-bak government has been comhttps://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Bring_Democracy_Back_to_South_Korea_Fraudulent_and_Illegal_Presidential_Election_of_South_Korea/?aeIoQdb&external=pletely controlling the media, no Korean media has ever spoken for those 250,000 people. 

Although South Korean National Election Commission insists that they counted votes manually, many South Koreans believe electronic tabulating system was used and here's why: (1) Evidences of election rigging (http://j.mp/12wPstl ); and statement published by South Koreans and electors living overseas (http://j.mp/Wl0bQW) Please help us bring democracy back to our country. 

Thank you very much for your attention.

Why this is important

My home country, South Korea, had the 18th presidential election a few weeks ago on Dec 19th, 2012, and so far as many as 250,000 people have signed the petition to request manual counting, suspecting election fraud for numerous reasons. http://bbs3.agora.media­.daum.net/gaia/do/petition/read?bbsId=P001&­articleId=130388&objCate1=1&pageIndex=1

However, the current Lee Myung-bak government of South Korea has been completely controlling the media and has already fired or punished 500 hundred reporters or producers. And as the victory of Park Geun-hye, the daughter of the notorious dictator, in this election is already making the situation even worse, no South Korean media has ever spoken for those 250,000 people.

Accordingly, I desperately, yet humbly and earnestly, chose to ask the people around the world to look at our situation. Although South Korean National Election Commission insists they counted the votes manually, lots and lots of South Koreans believe that electronic tabulating system was used. Below, I'm listing some links you might be interested in: (content in English)

<1> Reasons South Koreans suspect rigging in their 18th presidential election. 

<2> South Koreans and electors living overseas published a statement to demand inspection of the election.
< 3> Koreans are now petitioning even the white house.

<4> "Daughter of dictator Park Chung-hee narrowly beats liberal Moon Jae-in election that has fired national imagination." http://­www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/dec/19/park-geun-hye-south-korea-election
<5> South Korea was ranked as low as 87th among 133 countries in terms of the freedom of speech in the Gallup poll, which was carried out in 2011.
<6> "The protection of the freedom of expression in South Korea has been undermined significantly under the current government."
<7> The Freedom House has degraded the status of Korea from 'free' to 'partly free.' 
<8> "South Korean 'joke' may lead to prison"

Thank you very much for your attention.


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