Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Korea did not choose the strongman’s daughter president.

To whom it may concern,

Korea did not choose the strongmans daughter president.

The one that chose the strongmans daughter president is the vote counting electronic machine manipulated. Korea chose the former human rights lawyer.

Even to the foreign medias eye, Moon Jae-in, former human rights lawyer, is a president candidate superb enough to meet the perfect qualification

Are we the Korean foolish? Why did we not choose him? We chose Moo Jae-in.

For the last five years, under the MB government Korea has been ruined.
Democracy has been collapsed to have the government be not less than dictatorial. Many people have become unemployed. Many people killed themselves. But we have endured the tough times. Because a little more endurance can enable us to choose a new president.

We have put all our hope on Moo Jae-in.
We have prepared ourselves for opening up a new era through Moon Jae-in.
And shaking in cold air and our hearts full of expectation throbbing, we cast our votes. But we have heard the sad news of the strongmans daughter being elected president.

The strongmans daughter cannot be elected. We are robbed of our president.
But we cannot give up. We should get back our robbed-up-president.

Korea media is dead. We cannot help asking your help.
Please report the news that a vote counting computerized manipulating machine chose the strongmans daughter.

Please report that Korea chose Moon Jae-in, former human rights lawyer
I earnestly ask you the favor of such help of yours.

I will appreciate it very much if you can help the Korean in such a way

                  vote counting graph provided by SBS

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