Sunday, April 3, 2016

[D-12 to April 13, 2016 Parliamentary Elections: First Day of Official Campaigns] Slogans to Draw Voters: "Work, National Assembly!" "The Problem Is the Economy" "The Problem Is Politics"

On March 31, the first day of the official campaigns for the April 13 parliamentary elections and also the dawn of a thirteen-day "battle," ruling and opposition parties sent out a call for all their people to come together. Even the family members of the candidates seem set to engage in a competition to draw people's attention, to make the voters stop in their place and take a look. From the name of the group of speakers to slogans, fierce battles broke out in all corners of the nation.

“Who Should We Vote for?” On March 31, the first day of the official campaigns for the 20th parliamentary elections, one citizen looks at the campaign posters of the candidates as he pulls his bike along Changdeokgung Palace Road in Jongno-gu, Seoul. Seo Seong-il

■"Run to Live"

Each party created a separate "detached" group of speakers who worked separately from the group of speakers from the leading members of the central party and election committee to support the candidates from behind.

The Saenuri Party organized the Alpha One Speakers, a combination of AlphaGo, the artificial intelligence that was a popular topic for its go matches with Lee Se-dol, and the number one, the party's number in the elections. Song Hee-kyoung, president of the Korea Association of Cloud Industry and also a candidate for proportional representation, and professional go player Cho Hun-hyun are at the center of this group. They will first visit Danwon 1 District in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province (candidate Kim Myeong-yeon) and campaign for "healing and comfort" in an area suffering from the pains of the Sewol tragedy.

The Cut Speakers for the Minjoo Party of Korea has drawn attention for the group is centered around lawmakers Jung Cheong-rae, Kim Kwang-jin, and Chang Hana who have either been passed over in the candidate nominations or have been defeated in the party's race for the candidacy. The name of the group means that those who have been "cut off" have gathered and “grown bigger” (which sounds similar to "the cut" in Korean).

This day The Cut Speakers campaigned in Yongin and Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province and Gangseo and the Hongik University area in Seoul.

The People's Party also supported its candidates with the "People's Side, One Fulfilling the Role of Many Speakers." The name reflects the determination that they will do the work of many despite the small number of seats. Nine candidates for proportional representation including Shin Yong-hyeon, president of the Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science and Oh Se-jung professor of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Seoul National University will take part and speak in strategically targeted constituencies.

Family members of the candidates are also standing by, just waiting for the call to take part in the campaign. Opposition candidates are keeping an eye out for celebrity family members such as actress Shim Eun-ha, whose husband Ji Sang-wook will run in Jung and Seongdong 2 District in Seoul as a Saenuri Party candidate, and actor Song Il-gook, whose mother, Kim Eul-dong is the Saenuri Party candidate in Songpa 3 District, Seoul, to see when they will accompany their family members in their campaigns. The daughter of independent candidate Yoo Seong-min (East 2 District, Daegu), who has been following her father's campaign in Daegu since the previous day, has been a topic of interest for her beauty, giving candidate Yoo the nickname, "the people's father-in-law."

Unique campaigns have caught the people's eyes. Candidate Go Yeon-ho (Eunpyeong 2 District, Seoul) of the People's Party spoke on top of a shovel of an excavator this day. Saenuri Party candidate Jeong Un-cheon (Jeonju 2 District, North Jeolla Province) pulled a cage-cart (a cart used to transport prisoners) to his campaign site and the Minjoo Party candidate Song Young-gil (Gyeyang 2 District, Incheon) disclosed a campaign truck in the shape of a bull.

■Three Shades of Judgment: A Slogan War

The ruling and opposition parties have sought out the best copywriters and brand naming experts to oversee their public relations, and they are engaging in an all-out war with their campaign slogans. The Saenuri Party chose, "Work, National Assembly! From a Dormant National Assembly to a Working National Assembly!" The Minjoo Party of Korea's slogan is "The Problem Is the Economy. The Answer is to Vote" and the People's Party opted for "The Problem Is Politics. It's Now Time for No. 3!"

All three parties call for the people to pass judgment on the current state of affairs, but the target of the judgment is different. The Saenuri Party is calling for judgment on the "opposition parties that hold the National Assembly back," and the Minjoo Party is seeking judgment on the "government and ruling party that ruined the nation's economy," and the People's Party wants to judge the "backward two-party political system."

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